Dr. Dinesh Sehgal

Let the music move you - Dr. Dinesh Sehgal

5 Tips to Improve Your Cardiovascular Health - Dr. Dinesh Sehgal

Healthy food, healthy Heart – diet tips for cardiovascular health - Dinesh Sehgal

Part 2  | What you can eat: 
Image result for what to eat
The fresher the better, as most fresh fruit and veg, as well as meats and seafood – do not contain the salty preservatives, deep fried oils or refined sugars that you should be avoiding. Can the soft drink (pardon the pun) and try some infused water, tea or coffee (in moderation). The heart foundation has a selection of yummy recipes to try that provide a range of health benefits and are good for your heart (and tastebuds). They can be found here. https://www.heartfoundation.org.au/recipes
Remember to keep active as physical activity keeps your cardiovascular system in check. Other factors for heart disease include smoking and family history – so bin the bad habits and get checked with your GP today.


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