Dr. Dinesh Sehgal

Let the music move you - Dr. Dinesh Sehgal

Healthy food, healthy Heart – diet tips for cardiovascular health - Dinesh Sehgal

5 Tips to Improve Your Cardiovascular Health - Dr. Dinesh Sehgal

Laugh out loud to Lower Stress - Dr. Dinesh Sehgal

Laugh out loud

Don’t just LOL in   Facebook ,Email or on Social Media posts. Laugh out loud in your daily life. Whether you like watching funny movies or cracking jokes with your friends, laughter may be good for your heart. Research suggests laughing can lower stress hormones, decrease inflammation in your arteries, and raise your levels of high-density lipoprotein (HLD), also known as “good cholesterol.
Dr. Dinesh Sehgal Director at Sapra Cardiology Department
M.B.B.S. | MD | DM  | FACC Cardiology 


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